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Support the Publication: Critical Muslim

Please take the time to support a publication that needs your help! Below you will find a request for subscriptions for Critical Muslim.


I am writing to a selected few friends who regard Critical Muslim as an important publication. You may, or may not know, that we came very close to ceasing publication after CM12: Dangerous Freethinkers, which comes out in early October. Our publishers, Hurst, who have supported us valiantly over the last three years, declared that they just cannot continue sustaining losses. But we have managed to get an extension.

The problem is simple. We are not getting enough subscriptions. Critical Muslim has not been lacking in praise. The initial difficulties we had with contributors have now been overcome; both established and younger writers and scholars are queuing up to be published in CM. But this success has not been transformed into subscriptions.

To be honest, when I started CM, I thought it would be relatively easy to get 400 to 500 subscriptions – which is all we need. That assumption was based on my experience with other journals that I have edited. But for the last year, subscriptions to CM have dwindled around 150. Hurst has agreed to continue publication – into the distant future – if we can secure another 150 subscriptions over the coming year.

I am writing to you as someone who values CM to help us achieve this goal. If you do not subscribe yourself, please do as soon as possible. But what we also urgently need is for you to persuade around five to ten people in your circle to take out subscriptions – and to do that directly at the Hurst website:

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your help and support.



Sunday, November 30, 2014 - 11:30pm